Old-fashioned Songalong Evening at the Stag and Three Horseshoes, Halesowen.
Featuring Eugene Portman on piano
On Sunday 1st May 2022
From 7:30pm – 10:30pm
An evening of singalong entertainment with Eugene Portman on piano at the Stag and Three Horseshoes, Halesowen. If you don’t want to sing, then just pop in and soak up the atmosphere.
This is old-fashioned pub entertainment. The way it used to be.
Song sheets will be provided for all those who wish to participate.
Address: Halesowen Road, Halesowen, Birmingham, West Midlands, B62 9BB
Telephone: 0121 422 2176
Email: stagandthreehorseshoes@sizzlingpubs.co.uk
Web: https://www.sizzlingpubs.co.uk/findapub/northeast/thestagandthreehorseshoeshalesowen