Cockney Singalong Evening at the hare and Hounds, Worthing, West Sussex.
Featuring Eugene Portman on piano
On Sunday 1st May 2022
From 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Cockney style singalong at the Hare and Hounds with Eugene Portman on piano. If you don’t want to sing, then just pop in for a pint and enjoy the atmosphere. All song sheets will be provided for those of you who would like to join in.
Contact Details for the Hare and Hounds
Address: Hare and Hounds, 79-81 Portland Road, Worthing, BN11 1QG
Telephone: 01903 230085
Email: info@hareandhoundsworthing.co.uk
Web: www.hareandhoundsworthing.co.uk